Volunteering Update 12th Nov
Following a request for volunteers an initial meeting was held on Thursday 10th November, where 12 members offered their services. All Sections: Ladies, Gents and Juniors were represented, which was extremely pleasing. This update is intended to provide the wider membership with a flavour of what was discussed, decided and intended as we move forward.
Division of Responsibilities
It was agreed that the Ladies Section would assume responsibility for the general tidiness of the car park and the immediate area around the Clubhouse. A small budget will be sought via the Greens Convenor should there be a desire to purchase any planters / flora to enhance the Clubs entrance.
Leaders of the Junior Section will assume responsibility for the general maintenance and cleanliness of the Practice Shed and adjoining Practice area. In support of the Junior Section it is incumbent upon all members making use of these facilities that they leave the Practice Shed and associated mats as they would expect to find them – clean and ready for use. A brush is available in the Practice Shed and should be used by members post any personal practice; all bottles / sweet wrappings should likewise be retained and disposed with in the nearest bin.
The Gents Section will, in the main, assume responsibility for the Course.
Volunteer Teams: Season 2017
With a view to spreading the burden and reducing the frequency of which volunteers are being asked to offer their industry 3 teams of 4 are to be created. A number of other members have indicated a willingness to assist and subject to confirmation of their availability we would be keen to create a 4th / 5th team.
For clarity at the outset, whilst the Ladies Section have assumed responsibility for the car parking area, Teams are not gender specific. Should any member of the Ladies Section wish to volunteer for on Course tasks please feel free to do so. The more teams we have: all male, all female, mixed, is irrelevant, the key is to maximise the number of teams and spread the burden. In short, volunteers from all Sections are still required and will be made most welcome.
Commencing week beginning 20th February 2017, teams will be asked to make themselves available initially on a Wednesday morning and as we move forward then on a Thursday. The expectation is each volunteer gives 2 up to a maximum of 3 hours weekly. All volunteers will be off the Course no later than midday.
The rationale for Wednesday then Thursday is in order to link in with the opening of the Clubhouse. Conscious that members are giving their time / effort the Club is keen to ensure that such kindness and support is repaid in part. Volunteers post their efforts will be offered a tea / coffee and bacon roll etc., three course meals are not however on offer!
The make-up of the various volunteer teams will, in the near future, be displayed within the Clubhouse, any member wishing to add their name is encouraged to do so. As above, the more volunteers / teams we are able to muster the more we can share the burden.
Post December a ‘Volunteers’ wall planner will be placed within the Clubhouse with details of what team: Team 1, 2, 3 will be on the Course on any given Wednesday / Thursday. There is an expectation that the voluntary effort will be carried on throughout the spring /summer concluding during late October. Roughly speaking a period of 36 weeks requires voluntary support.
Any member who through work / family commitments is unable to commit to a regular voluntary effort, will be made most welcome should they find themselves on occasion with a free Wednesday or Thursday morning.
Stephen Sneddon
Greens Convenor
Autumn / Winter Activity 2016 /17
In addition to the above the members / volunteers, working collectively or in their teams, agreed to take ownership of specific tasks.
On Wednesday 23rd November (10am start) all available volunteers will edge and clean all Tee steps throughout the Course.
Team 1 will then assume responsibility for cutting back gorse / undergrowth to the front left of the 9th green.
Team 2 will assume responsibility for cutting back / strimming of gorse / undergrowth adjacent to the left hand side of the 7th fairway, immediately in front of wall.
Team 3 will remove / fell the assorted conifers now growing to the left of the 3rd tee area.
Over the course of this Autumn / Winter volunteers will be on the Course, as previously indicated, on a Wednesday morning. As a precautionary measure they will be supplied a high visibility vest, hence they should be instantly recognisable. Whilst they are all golfers please ensure that they are aware of your presence before any golf shot is taken, strimmers tend to drown out the noise of a shout of fore!
Members, the above has been compiled to keep you in the loop of what is happening on your Course. Any assistance you can give in support of such industry would be genuinely welcomed. If you have any questions or wish further information, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Stephen Sneddon
Greens Convenor
Autumn/Winter 2016 Volunteers Assistance Requested
Members, in seeking to support and assist Scott in maintaining our Course throughout the year your help is requested.
As some of you be aware or have seen, Scott has commenced drainage work in and around the 5th green, it is hoped, weather permitting, to have this completed during November. Thereafter Scott, will turn his attentions to the bunker adjacent to the 9th green, following concerns from Members, there is a desire to reduce the depth of the bunker and, if necessary, introduce an access step. Scott will progress the above whilst maintaining day-to-day Course business for this time of year.
There are however, a multitude of other tasks requiring attention throughout the Course. The clearance of leaves from tees, greens and car park, strimming, fence and wall repairs, lopping of tree branches in around tees and paths to be cleared are but a few.
As we move into and through next Spring / Summer the need for edging, strimming and bunker maintenance becomes the focus of attention. Whilst Scott will address much of these tasks, any voluntary support that could be offered would again be very much welcomed.
In seeking to clarify what voluntary support may be available to the Club, a meeting has been arranged for 11 am on Thursday 10th November 2016. In short, if you have the capacity and capability to assist your attendance would be welcomed. The meeting should last no more than an hour.
For clarity, this initial gathering is simply to establish a willingness to assist. Following discussion it is hoped we could agree a weekly “volunteers morning” when, if you had availability, you could offer your assistance. There is no expectation that volunteers would attend each week. Aspirationally, if from a possible 15 to 20 volunteers we could muster 4 to 6 persons who each gave 2 hours of their time one morning per week, that would be fabulous.
Members’ support on this issue is genuinely welcomed.
Stephen Sneddon
Greens Convenor